Dodany: 29.07.2011 21:02|Autor: luckyluk

The Destiny (corrected thanks of Lenia ;))

First of all, I mean before I'll write something hm...more meaningful at least for me, I'd like to introduce myself :) In English my name would be Lukas, so let's stay with it ;) I'm 19, however the age is not too important, in fact I should hide it from you ;) because it is generally agreed that the yonger person is the dumper things one says.

Anyway, the blog's tittle is "The Destiny", why? Well, the thing with destiny in itself is, that it's terribly difficult topic, additionally really controversial. I think everybody know the reason. First of all, we can't explain it logically, if we can't do that, we cosider it as unknown. Although we can't be cartain, whether destiny exists, we ask ourselves anyway:D That is a amusing thing of our nature: use something unexplained, unknow or even make it up and then think hardly, if it's exists.

As far as I'm concerned, the word "destiny" isn't accurate or we don't know exactly what the word means. That's true! It doesn't say to what extend the random situation can be called destination, so in fact we assign every situation to that. Let's look closer to pure nature of destiny.

Do you know Michio Kaku? He is like Einstein of XXI century in Japanese version ;) His theory says that even if somewhere had existed a parallel world identical like ours, the same person in both "Earths" would have behave in the same way. What is more, if we had lived one more time, with no knowledge of previous life, we would have made the same decisions like before ;) We stress all the time, that we are a free creatures, but in fact we work like very complicated algoryth which is very schematic and predictible, therefore if there is a God, he knows everything about us.

I tell you that because of our schematical nature the destination is just a result, outcome of "algoryth" we work based of. The world is like a immense chess, every move clarify the end.

To sum up, if we ask ourselves, whether destiny exists, we can say yes because of our thinking of causes-effects we would make the same decisions if we don't know exactly what the outcome would be.

Ps. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language but I enjoy using it :)
Hope you like it.

(c)Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie bez zgody autora zabronione.

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Użytkownik: Kuba Grom 30.07.2011 13:36 napisał(a):
Odpowiedź na: First of all, I mean befo... | luckyluk
Google niech będą dzięki za translator!

Owszem słyszałem o Michio Kaku, choć nie zagłębiałem się w jego twórczość. Teza wielu w światów, w których istnieje jakiś Ja, który nie popełnia moich błędów - wspaniała, niemniej nie zaszkodzi postarać się aby w tym w którym przyszło nam żyć, nie popełniać ich za wiele.
Użytkownik: Lenia 30.07.2011 18:39 napisał(a):
Odpowiedź na: First of all, I mean befo... | luckyluk
Przepraszam za czepialstwo, ale nie mogę się powstrzymać: "destination" oznacza tak właściwie "miejsce przeznaczenia", "cel", miejsce, do którego się zmierza.
A samo "przeznaczenie" to "destiny".
Ale nie przejmuj się, takie pomyłki się zdarzają, ja na maturze zrobiłam podobną, mówiąc "restauration" zamiast "restaurant". :D
Aha... może zainteresuje cię ta strona:
Użytkownik: luckyluk 30.07.2011 21:04 napisał(a):
Odpowiedź na: Przepraszam za czepialstw... | Lenia
A no tak :D przepraszam za pomyłkę ^^ Dziękuje za linka, ale czasem biblionetka to biblionetka ;)
Pozdrawiam :)
Użytkownik: Lenia 04.08.2011 22:15 napisał(a):
Odpowiedź na: A no tak :D przepraszam z... | luckyluk
Nie ma za co; a jeśli mam pozostać czepialska, to "thanks to", a nie "of". :)
Rozumiem, biblionetka to biblionetka.
Użytkownik: yyc_wanda 31.07.2011 16:54 napisał(a):
Odpowiedź na: First of all, I mean befo... | luckyluk
Hey Luckyluk,

So you’re a young man, who is trying to puzzle out the mystery of destiny. And if that weren’t challenging enough, you’re doing your thinking, questioning and reasoning in English, your second language. Wow, I’m really impressed. I’ve been living abroad for over twenty years and I know how difficult it is to express oneself in a second language. It took me many years to learn how to do that – in writing only. In spoken English, I’m afraid, I wouldn’t be able to do that even today. Because when you speak, you need to think fast. There is no time to look for the right word, and there is this pressing presence of another person, waiting for you to finish the sentence.

Lately, I’ve been doing some thinking on the subject of destiny myself. Not with too many strokes of genius insight, I’m afraid, so probably I’m not the best person to give advice to you or anybody else. And that’s not what I’m trying to do.

The reason I’m writing here is because I want to share with you some bits of wisdom from the book I’ve been reading recently – Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration, by Penney Peirce. This book is packed with interesting information and I found in it, if not the exact answers to my questions, then the road posts to the places I should go to look for them.

Penney Peirce believes, and she is not the only one, as this is a very popular way of thinking, coming from New Age/New Thought philosophy, that we have all the answers deep inside ourselves. All the knowledge we need for finding the life’s purpose and meeting our destiny is there – on the Soul’s level or the Soul’s frequency, which is much higher than the frequency we operate on in our every day life. But how do we get there? Let’s listen to Penney Peirce, an expert in the energy and intuition field:

“Keeping a journal is a surefire way to track your growth process. Begin by posting a question, which serves as a magnet to draw forth a response from the deeper part of your awareness. You’ll be surprised what you find yourself writing.”

And here is another piece of wisdom, coming from Harold Whitman, or whoever he was, as this is a fictional name: “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

As “Frequency” has not been translated into Polish and it’s not in Bibionetka’s catalogue, I’ll use czytatka option, to write some notes on the book. If the subject caught your attention, feel free to check it on later. But don’t hold your breath, it will take some time before I finish reading the book, as I’m slowly ploughing through, trying to understand, remember and integrate into my belief system all that amazing information I found there.

As for Michio Kaku – I’ve read “Hyperspace” by this author and was quite impressed by his knowledge, his open-mindedness and the wide range of subjects discussed in this book. The Parallel Universes theory is open to many interpretations. This is how I understand it: Every imaginable situation exists in probability. The life that we live here on the planet Earth is about making choices and picking one specific action from unlimited number of outcomes. These are the choices we’re making in every moment of every day. So again, write the journal and ask your Soul/Higher Self to help you make the right decisions, because everything you can think of already exists in one of the parallel worlds. Your job is to bring it here, into your reality.

I wish you all the luck, Luckyluk, in finding the life’s purpose and meeting your happy destiny.


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