Dodany: 13.09.2014 22:53|Autor: marek7743

How did people count in the past and how do people count today

The book is obviously about math. Actually – history of math from antiquity after the Flood or maybe even earlier, who knows, to the 70s of the 20th century AD. But there are also some information about electrics and electronics in the end of the book. Not much, but always something. The book is short and quite easy, so first of all it can be used by young people, but older ones can also take an advantage of it, especially these who haven't had anything to do with math before and want to find out something interesting about it. This book can be a good start for Polish people or people who speak Polish as their second language who began interesting in math. The main topic of the book is counting systems that are used nowadays and these that were used in many world's well known historical countries and tribes. The origin of these systems is passed as well. You can also find there a lot of names of inventors of devices that were used for counting and brief explanations of how they worked. Besides, the book shortly shows you how very useful mathematics is in many other scientific disciplines. Clearly explained mathematical terms gives you an enjoyable time spent on penetrating “the queen of sciences”. I took this book, because I was looking for discoveries in math and I found only this in a library.

Jak liczono dawniej a jak liczymy dziś [Czytelnik] (Krysicki Włodzimierz)

(c)Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie bez zgody autora zabronione.

Wyświetleń: 341
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